
Archive for February, 2012

Effective Prayer, Lesson 6 Notes



How does each example follow the model of the Lord’s Prayer, or give insight and deeper understanding of prayer?


Verse 1:

2 Corinthians 1:20 ( God’s Promises are many!  Asked according to His will, they are answered with a YES.)


We should familiarize ourselves with God’s promises as well as the CONTEXT in which He promised them and pray these according to His will.


Read OBSERVE on Page 76

**Verse: Exodus 32:9-14 Read once, paying attention to the word “entreated” which means PRAYED.  Read again , paying attention to each REQUEST that Moses made of God.


­-God told Moses He was going to DESTROY the Israelites because they were obstinate and keep sinning against Him.


God offered to make Moses a “ great nation”. Moses asked God to change His mind about his plans to destroy the people of Israel. Moses , in verse 13 , reminded God of promises He made to preserve the people of Israel.  ( God had not forgotten.   Moses is asking God to act according to the promises He had already made.  )


God did what Moses asked ( verse 14)  God’s heart was changed because of the prayers of Moses!  God will do that for US!


Observe, Page 78

Verse: Genesis 18:22-33


Abraham intercedes in prayer with God on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah.


What can we learn from Abraham’s method of intercession? ( Persistence, and it is OK to ask God questions!!)

Abraham had a close and trusting relationship with His God.  This intimacy gave Abraham confidence when he asked God to act justly.  I think God DELIGHTED in this!  God’s actions were influenced by not only Abraham’s prayers but by Abraham’s heart!  He loved and trusted God and it showed in the way he BOLDLY  communicated with Him!


Nehemiah, Page 81


Verse Neh 1:5-11

Qualities of God that Nehemiah called on:

Great, Mighty , Awesome and Faithful


Nehemiah reminded God of His promises in verse 9


“if they return to Me, I will bring them peace.”  Promise!


What, in this passage, can we apply to our own prayer lives?


Observe, Page 85


Verse: Daniel 9:4-6, 15-19


Daniel called God Great, Awesome, Loving and Faithful


Daniel asks God to rescue the people of Israel not based on their actions, but based on the goodness of God.  He pleaded with God to be merciful because of His great compassion.  Have mercy on us, Lord!  He prayed passionately and emotionally!


Observe pg 86

** These men abided with God and in the Word of God until they knew the character of God, the promises of God, and therefore the will of God.  AMEN.  They prayed, thusly.



Eph 1:15-19


Paul intercedes for the church of Ephesus (and all Christians)

He asks God for WISDOM, REVELATION and KNOWLEDGE for US. He asks that we would know the depth, width and breadth of the love of Christ.  ( God wants us to know that, also.)


He asks God to ENLIGHTEN our HEARTS so that we would KNOW GOD and the HOPE that is CHRIST and in V 19 He asks it all ACCORDING to the WILL of GOD.


This is a model for how we can pray for others. 


Observe page 90

Verse Colossians 1:9-12


What is Paul praying for the church of Colosse?

Spiritual knowledge, wisdom, understanding , God’s power and insight


These are wonderful things to ask God for, for ourselves AND others!

READ Wrap it up AND  Section on Prayer starters.  Helpful for all of us!


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This week we will focus on the confession of sin, and the request for deliverance.

In my own heart, the confession of sin /asking forgiveness should ALWAYS come before we ask ANYTHING of God.. but if we learn to make this part of prayer an ongoing thing we can rest assured that as we seek the mind and heart and will of the Lord, our requests and petitions to Him are getting lined up with His will.  Even as we ASK to be re-made, He is in the process of re-making us.  Praise the LORD!

Scriptures to read:

Matthew 6:12, 14-15

A “debt” means that someone OWES another person something.   We often feel, when we have been hurt or wounded, that we are OWED something.  An apology, a token gift, even just an acknowledgement that the offense occurred would help, or someone at least saying they are SORRY.   The bottom line is, we might not get it.  We might not EVER get that.   The hope here is that, this is OK if we learn to let go of the notion that they OWE it to us.   “That which angers us, CONTROLS us!”  Let it go.  Learn to forgive before it’s necessary and before it becomes an issue that causes YOU to sin!  If you can’t forgive, ask God to HELP you forgive.  ( Lord, I WANT to WANT to forgive!)

**We are forgiven in the SAME measure that we extend forgiveness.  (verses 14-15)


Matthew 5:23-24

We cannot worship God in truth, if we are harboring something against another person.  Our sacrifices and offerings will never mean what they should to  Him if we do not come in humilty and make the effort to get RIGHT with GOD first!  God is HOLY and can’t even look at our sin.  God hates sin because it CAUSED the original separation between Him and His children.  ( Adam and Eve.)

Isaiah 59:2

But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that HE  will NOT hear.

Romans 12:10, 14-19,21



Romans 12:10, 14-19,21

As believers, there are just certain things God tells us we are supposed to do.  When we don’t do them..  we are in disobedience.  NO excuses, we are just being disobedient.  This is the same thing as being sinful.  When our children disobey us,  it hinders them from receiving blessings ( priviledges) EVEN THOUGH WE WANT TO BLESS THEM!


Read Is 59:1-2 again.

Read Ps 66:18

**What happens to our chances of having an effective prayer life if we are willingly disobedient to God?  ( We can’t have one.)


He WON’T hear us.  Doesn’t say he CAN’T hear us.. it says He WILL NOT.  This means He is not GOING to communicate with us unless we follow His precepts.  Period.   ( Children of Israel) It does not mean God is not working things out that we cannot perceive.  Our sin keeps us blind and deaf and unaware of God’s presence. 


Unconfessed sin is a barrier between us and God.   Unconfessed sin will hinder our prayer lives and render them INEFFECTIVE because as long as we hang onto our pride, unforgiveness, that OFFENSE, whatever it is…  the Lord will remain silent in our lives.   He is STILL God, and He is STILL working… but our prayers will be falling on deaf ears.  He will not reward us in our sin. He will not reward us in our disobedience.


1Jn 1:9

IF we confess, THEN He hears!

Evil is REAL and it wants Us.  God is bigger.  He is the DELIVERER and the HEALER.

Verse Matt 6:13

Matt 26:41

1 Cor 10:13

Jesus as the Master Intercessory Prayer Warrior!

John 17:14-19

He allowed Himself to be sanctified, pure and the only proper sacrifice, so that WE might go to Heaven.

Is Spiritual warefare real?  What part do WE play in it? ( More on this type of prayer as our 6th and final session, next week.)

*******Wrap it Up and prayer time-  Righteousness and the effectiveness of prayer lies in us first being willing to let God deal with us.  As we begin to ask God to reveal things in us that need to change or that we need to confess to Him, we enter the process of being made holy.  Those with a heart to be holy have God’s ear.  He hears the prayers of the righteous.  This is an ongoing process.. but the more we seek Him, the more we find that He is here and He hears.

( I ) become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. ( Phil 3:9)

If we are tangled up in Old Testament law and rules..  we will miss the “faith” part of prayer.  We are made one with God by the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ.  Through faith in Christ, we are forgiven, saved and have access to God.  Through the relationship with Jesus, we are delivered  and sanctified by God,  and can be led by His Holy Spirit- prepared and used for the advancement of His Kingdom.   Yes!!

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Why is it so important that you are with God and God alone on the mountain top? It’s important because it’s the place in which you can listen to the voice of the One who calls you the beloved. To pray is to listen to the One who calls you “my beloved daughter,” “my beloved son,” “my beloved child.” To pray is to let that voice speak to the center of your being, to your guts, and let that voice resound in your whole being. –Henri Nouwen


Effective Prayer Study Lesson 4

We have talked about the elements of worship, in prayer (including praise and thanksgiving) and the significance of Kingdom loyalty and allegiance ( which includes submission and obedience – having a proper perspective of God in relation to ourselves) , and last week we also touched briefly on the significance of humilty and confession.  We will delve more into these elements in the next two weeks.

You may be wondering by this point, when we are going to to get to the part where we ask God for what we need, and come to Him with our concerns?

This week.  🙂

Petition , and intercession are the parts of prayer where we bring our concerns for others and ourselves, to God.

This week, we will be getting to know Jehovah Jireh- My Provider.

Verse: Luke 11:1, 5-10 page 49

“Give us this day our daily  bread.”  Matt 6:11

There is power in persistence!  God loves faithfulness because HE IS FAITHFUL.  He responds to it!

The other thing about this passage we see, is that whatever we ask ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, is OURS.

What is the difference between asking, and hoping or just thinking about something?  ( Purposefully asking God to be involved.) This is the ACTION He desires that we take!


1 John5: 14-15

Take away?   God hears us if we are PERSISTENTLY seeking Him, and asking ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.  

If we fulfill these requirements, what can we expect?   GOD WILL ANSWER, one way or another.


Verse: John 15:7

IF we abide in Christ.   IF we are so close to Him that HIS thoughts and heart are OUR thoughts and hearts…   we can be sure that what we are praying, is HIS will.  

Verse: Phil 4:6

Don’t worry about STUFF.  The most useful and RESPONSIBLE thing we can do with STUFF and ISSUES… is to pray, turn them over to the One who can  handle it.. and trust Him with it! He may call us to action as things are worked out, BUT – we are to PRAY then ACT.  

*Supplication means to ask for favor, mercy or grace.  We should always ask for these.


Romans 12:1

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice means “Submit ourselves and  all our concerns and interests to the care and use of God.”  This is walking in His will, and He takes this SERIOUSLY.  He will take care of YOU. God will perfect ALL things which concerneth YOU.  You pledge yourself and your interests to the care of God, HE will make sure your needs are met!  He is Loyalty.  He is Faithfulness!



Micah 6:8


God requires only 3 things of us in this passage: ( this IS God’s will for our lives!)

Do justice (treat others as you would be treated) <- God’s word tells us how to do this

-love kindness (love others as Jesus first loved us)

-walk humbly with God (understand that God is GOD and we belong to HIM.)



Ps 119:1-8

Who is blessed?  Those who are BLAMELESS ( we can pray for this!) and those who walk in the WAY of the LORD.

 Why are they blessed?  Because, they are kept from WILLFULLY SINNING AGAINST GOD.  (  introductory discussion about motives and intentions here.. THOUGHT TRAILS.   satan loves to play around in our minds.) TRIGGERS? They all stem from FEAR.    Meditate on Phil 4:8 to help with this!! Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.

The word of God is to be applied to our lives- and how we ACT, THINK and BEHAVE.  It is to be applied to the CHOICES and DECISIONS we make.   This will help us to live in right standing with GOD.  When we live our lives in right standing with GOD, He blesses our lives and answers our prayers.  This does NOT mean we are not tempted to sin.  It means we have a WAY OUT, every time- and we are learning to take it, to ask for HELP to see it and take it!



2 Cor 12:7-9

Possible reasons our prayers might not be answered- ( God’s purposes to teach us something, our motives , our behavior.)

Ever want a WHY?   Here are some possibilities:

Paul was praying about an affliction he had been struggling with.  Tradtionally, people have said that it was an illness or disease- it could have been a difficult person he was dealing with… it was a PROBLEM. 


He asked God THREE times to take the problem away.  God told Paul “ My grace is enough for you to draw off of, to handle this.  In your weakness, I am strong.


God did this, this way, so that Paul would be reminded of God’s power and of his own weakness as a human child of God.  God used this “situation” to keep Paul humble.    God did not NOT answer the prayer by taking the situation away.   He  just told Paul “Nope.  Learning to trust Me in this issue will keep you HUMBLE and therefore keep you CLOSE to ME.

Verse: James 4:1-4


Problems in the CHURCH!  (gasp! No way!)

The Jewish Christians were scattered among all the nations… and this book is directed to them.   They were quarreling and fighting over teachings about moral behavior. 

 In verse 3, James gets to the heart of the matter.

Motives.  God sees them.  He sees mine, and He sees yours.  Our prayers are affected by our motives… and God’s response is also affected.

Verse: 1 Peter 3:7

If our behaviors are going directly opposite to God’s word, we are not living in right standing with God- and this WILL HINDER his responses to our prayers! Not because God is mean… but because He has a bigger purpose for us!  ( Parent-kid relationship!)



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Effective Prayer Study, lesson 3

Elements of prayer: Praise, Thanksgiving, Loyalty/Allegiance, Obedience, Confession of Sin

Last week, we talked about learning to pray as Jesus prayed.  Even the disciples wanted that!  We ALL need it, that’s why it is included in the Bible.  Jesus Himself gave us what is known as the Lord’s Prayer and said in effect, “Do it like this!”

He did not mean necessarily to do it by repeating the words He used , although we have that available.  He gave us this prayer as a MODEL to follow. ( If at any point in the next few passages, you start wondering what all of this has to do with effective prayer, don’t worry.  It will tie up and make sense as we go along.  )

Scripture 1:

Dan 2: 19-33

Daniel needed help to interpret a dream for King Neb.  Neb might kill Daniel if he did not get the interpretation correct!  Daniel went to the Lord for help… but look at how he began his prayer time.


Then… Daniel starts thanking Him for blessing him with favor and wisdom… EVEN though Daniel was in captivity!  ( not the most awesome circumstances.)

Scripture 2:

Phil 4:4-6

Scripture 3:

Psalm 100: 1-4

Psalm 118:1-9

How are we to approach God?  REJOICING!  PRAISING!  ( this is one reason we start worship the way we do at Lifecoast!!)  God LOVES our praise !

What have we learned about PRAYER from these passages?

 Think of it relationally.   If you have a friend who is constantly coming to you angrily, with complaints and negativity… you may have compassion for them (which God totally has for His children) but …  does what does that do to the relationship? Does it tend to make it stronger? Or does it cause distance?

Obedience brings the blessing of peace, we saw that last week.  God wants us to praise Him.  When we choose to do that FIRST, we are immediately ushered into His presence.  ( PEACE!)  In God’s presence, we have His ear!! If we have God’s EAR, our prayers how POWER!

Pg 39- OBSERVE  As we pray, we are to enter His courts with Thanksgiving and Praise!!  These  are the first and last elements of the Biblical model of prayer.

The second element is declaration of loyalty and allegiance to the Kingdom of God.

( Matt 6:10 – Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is, in Heaven.)


**Has God done anything in your life to cause you to want to pledge undying loyalty and affection for His Kingdom?


Scripture: Phil 3:20

Matt 6:33


**As BELIEVERS- where is our citizenship?    Heaven!

** According to Matt 6:33, what is our responsibility as citizens of Heaven?  TO SEEK HIM FIRST!

IF we do this, THEN , all other needs will be met!!!  Yay!

** Now, hard questions.

1- Does your life look like the life of someone who is seeking God’s Kingdom first , all the time?   What DOES this look like? What would the FRUIT look like of a life live seeking God’s Kingdom FIRST? ( Peace, Love, Joy, SERVING, STABILITY, LESS WORRIED AND ANXIOUS)

2- Does anything in your life need to be surrendered so that you are more free to do this?


Pg 41


2 Tim 2:15

Matt 4:4

What is the importance of getting into God’s word?   (God’s instructions and His LOVE letter to us.  If we are loyal to His Kingdom, we will study His word!)


Mark 8 :34

Loyalty is costly.  What does Jesus require of us?  (take up our crosses- this means HE comes FIRST. Even before OURSELVES.   What does this look like in our lives?)

The cross was an instrument of death.  What does this tell us about following Jesus?  ( It is a life of sacrifice, not a life of comforts and all our wants and desires being met when we think we need them.)


Matt 7: 18-27


What is meant by the word “FRUIT”?   ( A believer who is obedient, learning to die to self, learning to live sacrificially, putting God and His Kingdom first, bears FRUIT.  Fruit of the spirit like LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE etc- but is also being USED by God in a ministry sense!  Serving others! Ministering God’s word to others!  LOVING and taking care of others needs!  )

When we live according to the precepts God has laid out for us in His word, our lives LOOK like we BELIEVE HIM!

*Hard Question:


Is there any point in a believer praying to God if you are not going to be loyal to Him or His Kingdom?  Pg 45


**Dealing with SIN in our lives.  Pg 45

What if you have been disloyal?  Violated God’s will?


1Jn 1:9 ( PRECIOUS)

Another IF, THEN passage…

IF we confess our sin, what does God promise to do?

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