
Archive for August, 2013

In a couple of weeks, I will begin teaching this study on Matthew 5 (The Beatitudes) by Kay Arthur. If you currently follow my blog and would like to participate, here is the link to purchase the book or the e-book :


If you are participating via the blog, send me an email or something so I know and can be praying for you as we learn together… I will post questions and commentary like I have done in the past.


I can’t wait to get started!


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God gave me a vision this morning that delighted my heart and fed my spirit and soul. He showed me a beautiful butterfly flittering around an amazingly colorful and prolific flower garden… but I knew the butterfly was not merely drinking nectar. It was being used for pollination purposes. This thought piqued my curiosity so I did a little research- I guess I always thought bees were the only pollinators. ( I never liked Science all that much in school so I paid as little attention as possible and I regret that now at times!) Anyway.. butterflies are great pollinators. They can see color (bees apparently don’t), and they can travel great distances so their pollination possibilities are quite far reaching. As I read and prayed through what I felt God saying to me about the connection between the vision He gave me and His Word.. He reminded me that He is the Lord of the harvest. (Matthew 9:38). He is in charge of all the pollination that occurs both in the natural kingdom, and His kingdom as well.

Pollination is almost an unseen activity, but it is very important. Without it, those flowers and plants would die! The thing we see with our natural eyes, is the butterfly (or bee or moth or bat) flying and landing, then flying again, and so on. Some of the pollen might be caught up and carried on a breeze, or some falls to earth again and is lost. The end result, however, is seen in the growth and flourishing of flowers and plants. This is what happens in nature. God reminded me, though, that our prayers are sort of like the pollen.. except for one thing. Our prayers always make it to heaven. Always. None of them get lost. None of the seeds we sow in God’s kingdom are value-less. Some are seen ( like good works) but our unseen prayers always reach their destination. The Holy Spirit carries them and they get right to where they need to be!!

The other interesting thing He showed me about this is that when we sow in prayer, and we plant seeds in His kingdom in faith and trust… the Lord of the harvest is in charge of when and where those seeds bloom! Just as in nature, there is an unseen force that is in control of how and when reaping will occur. This thought was amazing to me! Sowing seeds in one place does not always mean that is where they will bloom. He takes those prayers, and once we release them to Him, He gives the growth where He sees fit. Our job is to just keep sowing, particularly in prayer. Keep planting and “pollinating”… praying and releasing love, and the truth of God’s word into others, and like the butterfly and bee, allow God to take care of the growth. For they belong not to us, but to Him.

ICorinthians 3:6-9….
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. 9 For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.

Father, thank You for being the Lord of the harvest. Thank You for a heavenly purpose in our lives, that is measured not always by what is seen here but by what is evident in the unseen, in the eternal Kingdom of God. Thank You for Your Word and for Your Son Jesus and the life He brings to us! Give us more opportunities to be sowers in prayer, in Love, and in Truth.

In His name I pray, Amen.

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August 15, 2013

A Proud or Humble Heart

by Charles R. Swindoll

Psalm 131:1

In a matter-of-fact fashion, David addresses the Lord in Psalm 131. Throughout the song, he carries on a conversation with his God. While humility is the subject, the focus is himself. Eight times in the first two verses he uses “I,” “me,” and “my.” The poem is a brief glimpse into David’s personal journal.

Verse 1

O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too difficult for me.

In the Hebrew Bible, whatever appears first in a clause or sentence is frequently placed in that position for the purpose of emphasis. This is especially true when the phrase is rearranged and written in an awkward, strange manner. This is precisely what we find in verse 1. There are three negatives set forth at the very beginning of three clauses: “not proud,” “not haughty,” and “nor do I involve myself.” David is communicating the depth of his feelings. The structure of his words reveals strong passion. The terms do too.

The term “proud” comes from gabah, meaning “to be high, exalted.” He mentions his heart first-the root source of pride down deep within. He says that as deeply as God may wish to probe, He will not find a trace of a “high, exalted” attitude within him. God may “search” and “know my heart” (Psalm 139:23) all He wishes, declares David.

The term “haughty” comes from another word having a similar meaning: “room.” This Hebrew term means “to be lifted up, raised.” The idea is that one who is proud within shows it in his eyes, which are “lifted up, raised.” That is exactly what Proverbs 30:11–13 says:

There is a kind of man who curses his father
And does not bless his mother.
There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes,
Yet is not washed from his filthiness.
There is a kind—oh how lofty are his eyes!
And his eyelids are raised in arrogance.

The “proud look” has to do with eyes that are “lifted up.” We have all seen this among the pseudo-sophisticates and on the plastic masks worn by many of the Hollywood stars and television celebrities. David declares that both his heart and his eyes will stand the test of God’s scrutiny.

There are two simple and quick ways God says the true condition of the heart is revealed. (Many of us may think we can hide it, but we cannot.) The first is through the eyes (as we have seen here) and the second is through the mouth (as Jesus says in Luke 6:45). Of course, one’s life is another proof of one’s heart condition, but that takes longer to observe. Keen counselors and wise people are careful to listen to words (what is said as well as what isn’t said) and watch the eyes of others. You soon discover that the heart is like a well and the eyes and tongue are like buckets which draw water from the same well. If true humility is not in the heart, the eyes will show it.

❝ If true humility is not in the heart, the eyes will show it. ❞ —Chuck Swindoll
– See more at: http://www.insight.org/resources/devotionals/a-proud-or-humble-heart.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20DailyDevo%20%28Chuck%20Swindoll%27s%20Daily%20Devotional%29#sthash.meX9yl50.dpuf

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I am reading through Ezra right now. Ezra is a book of the Bible that deals with the issue of the Israelites rebuilding the Temple of God in Jerusalem. Huge daunting task , amazingly interesting reading and lessons here. Here’s the idea I am pressing into , today ( via Larry Stockstill’s devotion on the Highlands site):

If your work on earth was hasty, superficial, and self-exalting, it will be destroyed. If it was deep, rooted in love, and glorifying only Christ, it will last.

Lord.. I want this. I pray that everything You give me to do, I do with this goal in my heart, mind and soul. I want ONLY YOU to be glorified.

One day, we will stand before the One True Judge. EVERYTHING we did on earth will be weighed and measured. Whatever did NOT meet these criteria will be burned up in the fire.. it will not last. I pray we keep eternity in our first thoughts.

Jesus, thank You that You desire to use us at all.

FALL is coming!!! ❤

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