
Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

It’s time for Science Projects. This is fun and awful at the same time.. my kids love putting their presentations together (we finished up the experiments a few weeks ago) but it’s stressful because typing has to happen,things have to be printed, corrected and re-printed ( PROOFREAD,PEOPLE!) boards have to be designed and decorated, rules have to be adhered to and it all has to be presented just right or they get points off for things. My kids are creative and bright, and they have great ideas.. but they get really hyper and excited about this stuff. This is GREAT because I had rather them be excited about doing it than bored or unmotivated about it. I don’t want to squash their enthusiasm. However, they have to listen to instructions or things won’t be done correctly.

“Did you hear me ask if that section is done yet?” “Wait!! Don’t glue that there yet! THIS has to be there first!” “Wait, don’t CUT that out yet!” ( re-printing happens) This is how things generally go on the “Day of Assembly” which has been today. Things go much more smoothly when they listen well, get all the information and then follow directions. Sometimes, there is a lot of TALKING happening , and not nearly enough listening. When talking overrides listening.. well, mistakes happen, things get done incorrectly, Dad and I tend to gain grouchiness and lose niceness, and the overall experience just doesn’t go as well. The kids have be reeled back in, deep breaths have to be taken, and we have to go back to the place where everything got messed up and start over. The thought always runs through my mind that listening better before taking action always yeilds better results. It just works better for everyone involved.

“He who has ears, let him hear.” Mark 4:23. The New Living Translation says “Anyone with ears to hear should listen, and understand.” Did you know that there are at least NINE scripture references like this? God has to remind His children over, and over , and over, and over again that He “gave us ears to hear, we should USE them , listen to the instructions, get UNDERSTANDING, and then act. Even as adults, we don’t want to listen. We don’t stop to get deeper understanding before acting. We act out of the flesh and according to wordly wisdom before taking the time to stop, meditate on His word, listen in prayer, and then act. No wonder He has to say it so often! We don’t listen!

Maybe we talk too much. Even in prayer, I think one of the hardest things to do is to just quiet my mind and my mouth, give the time to Him and just listen for His voice. When I DO take the time to do this, though, everything goes so much better. I have confidence in Him. His presence has given me peace even if things are in turmoil around me. I am reassured of His love, and I might even get some wisdom, or an answer or two to a prayer or concern that I have had. I notice that the more time I take to listen more than I talk, the more of those spiritual blessings come from His heart to mine. Eventually, I see that I have grown as a disciple. Keeping my mouth closed more and my ears open more has proven to be a win-win for me and pretty anyone else around me. Can’t beat that. 🙂

Father , help us to learn to listen attentively to Your voice. We need the wisdom, guidance and direction that lies in wait for us in the ” still small.” Thank You Lord, for being everything we could ever hope for or desire. We pray in Jesus’ name- Amen.

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Blessed are the peacemakers.

My kids and I are finally over the stomach flu. Today is the first day in nearly 3 weeks that I have been able to have a proper quiet and prayer time and I missed Jesus so much! In my reflection time this morning, one thing that has stuck in my heart is that even though I hated my kids being so sick… and it was exhausting and frustrating- I got to spend a whole week with each of the younger two , alot of that time just one on one. That rarely happens around here. I feel so blessed because in between bouts of the “ick”, there was much praying together, cuddling, talking and sharing and just quietly “being” with each other.

Last night, God allowed me to see something in those two kids ( they are ages 11 and 9) that I rarely see even among adults. He allowed me to see what I can only call “exponential growth” in their ability to love, give grace, and make peace. It started with an irritation that escalated quickly into an arm grab and angry words and hurt feelings. My daughter wanted her brother to explain his history project to her – she was really just wanting to interact with him. It was the end of the day and he was busy with something else, but she kept insisting and he quickly became annoyed. I try to teach when I can, pray with them alot and only intervene when necessary, so I decided to let this play out a bit. Within a few seconds it was all over, and my daughter went WAILING to her room in tears, while her brother went back to what he was doing.

“Caden,” I said.”She only wanted you to talk to her for a few minutes. She is interested in everything you do.” He had a sheepish look on his face… but started to give his side of the story to me and stopped himself midsentence. ” I need to tell her I’m sorry, don’t I?” he said. I didn’t say anything but went into her room to check on her and her side of the story began to fall out between the tears and shudders. “Mommy, all I wanted to do was BE with him for five minutes! He doesn’t even LIKE me!” More tears. At that point I felt God telling me that they needed to work this out with His help.

I called Caden into Savannah’s room and I said ” Sweetie, tell him what you told me.” What I witnessed next took my breath away and made me so thankful- I would not have wanted to be anywhere else in the world at that moment.

“Caden, when you push me away , it hurts my feelings SO bad! I NEVER do that to you, and when you do it to me all the time it makes me feel like you don’t LOVE me at all!”

My son Caden has a huge heart. He can be a handful, and I am well aware of that. But, he is only 11 years old.. he “got” her. Tears FILLED his eyes and he said “Savannah, of course I love you! You are my baby sister! I’m really sorry I hurt your feelings like that, please forgive me!” He meant it. With ALL his heart, I could tell he was truly sorry and felt her hurt.

Then, he leaned over her on her bed and gave her the longest sweetest hug I have ever seen- without my prompting. They hugged for a good two or three minutes. He didn’t let go of his sister until her tears stopped. His were still flowing. So were mine.

I felt the Holy Spirit present in that room with us. I felt God’s word as alive and active in my children as it has ever been in me. My own heart felt as full as it has ever felt. I gave my children to the Lord long ago… before they were even born. He loves them more than I do, and I know He is watching over them and guiding them. I have prayed with them and for them, and read them scripture, as has their Dad. We have tried to have conversations about character and God’s love and humility and taking responsibility and biblical conflict resolution. We have tried to love them to the cross every chance we get. But parenting is so hard… sometimes I wonder if they are getting it. Last night, Jesus showed up in my kids and said ” I got this.” My job is nowhere near done yet ( and I am glad!) But I know that God has them. They are learning His ways. The way of grace and love, and truth, and peacemaking.

My main prayer for all three of my children has always been that they would seek Jesus and His ways first. I know in my heart that if they learn to listen to Him and follow hard after Him, they will be in His will. I am still praying this prayer this morning – but I am more confident than ever before that God blesses us when we believe His word and His promises. I am so thankful He let me be their Mom.

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

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