
Archive for September, 2013

Hi there 🙂

Yesterday we finished up the first week of the study.  The main thing we seemed to take away from this second half is  this- God has everything we need to meet every single need we have.   In Jesus, the Lord has done everything necessary for God’s children to thrive in His kingdom.  One thing will hinder us in receiving all that He has.. and that is Pride.

“Blessed are the poor in Spirit..

( Blessed are those who humbly acknowledge and admit their deep and great need for God because they understand that they just cannot do it without Him)

…for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”

( Humility is the key to the Kingdom- once we look at God and ask for Him to help us.. from our hearts, He is there to meet us right where we are ) .

Father, being saved is wonderful, but help us to remember that we don’t stop needing You just because we accepted Jesus into our hearts.  If anything, salvation increases our understanding that we just need more of You.   Help us to become fully dependent on You so that we “gain Christ” … more and more every day.  We pray this in His holy name- Amen.


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This week, we began lesson 1 and made it about halfway through. Lesson 1 takes us through the beginning of Matthew 5, and helps us begin to define the word “blessed” as it is used in scripture as it pertains to the nature of God, as well as what Jesus says that “blessed” is supposed to look like in the life of a believer.

The word “blessed” in our English language ( as well as our culture) has come to mean something having to do with “things”, material blessings, or favorable circumstances. In the Beatitudes, however, we find that this word means something very different and far more valuable. Blessed in the greek is “makarios” which actually means being in favor with God, or to “possess the favor of God.” To be truly blessed is to be walking in the fullness of God, regardless of the circumstances.

We also looked at the first Beatitude in Matthew 5, verse 3, in which Jesus says “Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” To be poor in spirit means ” to be utterly poverty stricken, powerless, destitute and bankrupt.” To be “poor in spirit” means knowing that we have nothing to offer and acknowledging our total dependence on God. It suggests true humililty, which is the opposite of pride. ( lesson 1, page 9 Insight.) In the group this morning, we discussed the fact that the only thing we really truly have to offer anyone is Jesus Christ. He is the source of help and rescue, and we are most helpful to others as we point them to Him. Jesus also says that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are poor in spirit. This is TRUE blessedness! It’s hard to even comprehend this- but to even get a small bit of understanding here, contrite, obedient humility is so important to the Lord that He says those who are, get Heaven. He humbles the proud, but those who admit their deep need for Him, are honored. Lord, I pray this truth sinks deeply into our hearts!

The last passage we looked at was from Luke, chapter 18, verses 9-14. In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, we see the contrast between pride and humility. The Pharisee measured his own righteousness by the “sin” he saw in others. He was convinced that since he was a”better” citizen, followed all the religious rules of the day, and was not like the wicked people around him, he was in good standing with God. He was prideful of his own level of knowledge and righteousness. By contrast, the tax collector understood that in the presence of God, he was nothing but a sinner who deeply needed His mercy. Jesus, in His shocking, world- and heart-changing way, said in verse 14 that the tax collector was the one who God justified, not the “righteous” Pharisee. “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” God sees what is truly in our hearts… even if we can’t always see it ourselves.

For next week, we will cover the second half of lesson 1, so you all can be reading and praying through that this week. I pray God blesses each of us in our study and quiet times with Him!

Father, thank You for how You lovingly teach us Your ways. I pray we would daily be encouraged and compelled to surrender a bit more of ourselves and our wills, to Your care. No matter the level of need, You are there to meet and satisfy it, Lord. Praise You for meeting us right where we are, every time we call out to You. Speak to us in our quiet times, and lead us moment to moment by Your spirit.

In Jesus’s name we pray-

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